• The Mission of this fos-forum website is to publish respectful HOA home-owner comments, opinions, and information that they provide pertaining to how their HOA is managed without the kind of censorship that occurs on HOA-board-controlled websites.

    Objectives include:

  • To provide a forum where residents of HOA association controlled communities can freely share their ideas, suggestions, questions, and concerns; and to seek and publish thoughtful responses to each one.

  • To encourage community association officers, administrators, and leaders to provide answers and responses to residents who share their comments here.

  • To encourage the Fountain of the Sun (FOS) HOA to KFA = Keep Fountain of the Sun Affordable and to minimize non-essential spending and minimize assessment increases.

  • Please tap the [Share] button below to suggest additional objectives that you believe should be added to this list of objectives.

    The definition of Freedom:
    The right to think, speak, or act as one wants without hindrance or restraint or subjection to domination by others; the absence of coercion or constraint by others in choices or actions (or speaking); the quality or state of being exempt or released from something onerous.