KFA letters & comments
Suggestions, questions, and concerns will be published here to ask the FOSA board to respond in writing to seek better transparency!

2020 Letters to the FOSA board
Copies sent to KFA posted here.

★ April 14 To the FOSA board: As a resident of FOS, I would like to go on record, with many other residents who feel the same, my objection to how discretionary funds are allocated and how they are being used.

We find out, AFTER THE FACT, of plans and indeed allocations of funds to implement plans without ever having a voice in approving or disapproving, or even any community discussion of said plans.

These actions affect our pocket books, in increased HOA fees, as well as our life styles. We need to know and indeed strongly request, that we be given the opportunity to know of impending actions and definitely be given a vote in approving the use of discretionary monies.

The board's arbitrary actions are creating an environment in the FOS community of distrust, unhappy citizens, and fees that many cannot afford. Most sincerely, De & Hal Schueler (signature and address included).

★ April 14: We have spent 5 winters in the FOS. We love the burger feeds, breakfasts, golf, and just getting together. I was informed that our HOA (fees) are going to rise! We are on social security and I do not get a 10% raise each year. I understand the burger and breakfasts are gone. Why?

I am not happy about decisions being voted on when snowbirds are gone. We are supposed to be an active community, but we lose activities. I vote no summer major voting. Allen Braun (signature and address included).

★ April 11 Why not work on amending the By-Laws! The Board HAS TO follow the By-Laws. The old By-Laws had spending limits but they changed the By-Laws to no limits. For spending control and resident authorization, you need to amend the By-Laws - which is easier to do than writing letters to beg for relief. Francine Miller

★ April 11 Dear FOSA Board, It is not my intent to be involved in micro-managing FOSA expenditures; but it would be foolish of me to absorb recent 10% increases in the FOSA annual homeowner’s assessment, without question.

If the board would provide some indication as to how long these large increases will continue, it may alleviate some of the anxiety homeowners feel. Now is not a good time for such increases to continue without limit.

Furthermore, if the board would indicate what major item(s) each 10% increase is to be used for, as well as providing a simple mechanism for feedback from homeowners (email vote?), these increases might be easier to swallow. Sincerely, Paul Predecki (FOS address included)

★ March 26 To the FOSA Board: We the residents of FOS are requesting the board to NOT pass or approve discretionary spending without the residents' approval. We are paying all the bills with our HOA's and we do not have a voice. We know the board is elected by the home owners but they are not allowing input from the membership on too many decisions. Three minutes is not enough time for input and often the individual is just cut off or not recognized at all.

The HOA fees continue to rise at 9-10% per year and owners on fixed incomes or one income are finding it harder to pay and are unhappy about increases. We are told the money is needed to build up the reserves, but spending money on some of the projects seen by the residents as unnecessary does not help us reach the goal.

We understand there is money allocated for cul-de-sac renovations and the cost is approximately $5,000 per cul-de-sac. Is this correct? This seems to be a very large number. Were there sealed bids? If not, why? Another example is the installation of the arms at the Broadway entrance. They have actually slowed traffic and add nothing to security. Were the residents allowed a voice before these were approved.

Who was allowed to vote? The Board only?

The purpose of this letter is to make the board aware that residents are not happy with the current state of affairs. We ask that NO non-essential decisions be made over the summer months when many residents are not here.

We appreciate your efforts, but why not consider a small advisory board for some of these projects to maximize member input. It could certainly improve the board/member relationship.

Thank you for hearing our concerns and we look forward to hearing from you on this matter. -Linda Ohlsen

★ The painful truth is that the FOSA board of directors has shown by their wasteful spending on non-maintenance projects and needless increases in dues and assessments to pay for discretionary projects that they do not care what the majority of FOS home-owners think or want.

Every Fountain of the Sun homeowner should write a letter to the FOSA board to tell them to stop spending money on any non-maintenance project without a vote of home-owners on each and every non-maintenance project.

In this way, we can PROVE what the majority want.

That may be the only way to get the FOSA board to pay attention and to stop wasteful spending and continued excessive increases in dues and assessments.

Please, please, please write a letter to the FOSA board and email a copy to UpQuick@gmail.com or postal mail to:

KFA Freedom of Speech
PO Box 7777 Mesa AZ 85216

Include your name, address, and signature to each letter and send a copy to KFA so we can publish all of those letters on the KFA Freedom of Speech website.

View May 6, 2019 meeting video

★ We just finished viewing KFA meeting video. Being back in Iowa, this is a great way to stay up to date with what is happening in FOS. As we listened, I thought we have so much knowledge among our members, and residents brainstorming about these items is a great way to save money and give all of us an opportunity to have a voice. We are excited about KFA and applaud the speakers group idea. -Dave and Doreen Lechner

★ What is the limit the FOSA board can spend without a vote? In the past, it was $40,000, but the board has removed that spending limit and now claim that they can spend $1-million without a vote. Can they do this? -Bev Kershner

★ Are any board members invited to KFA meetings? Why don't they find out how we feel? -John Ohlsen

★ We were told that the offices are to be remodeled this summer. This is money wasted if they want to remodel the whole building. - Ernest Binder

★ If we wish to accomplish our goals to keep Fountain of the Sun Affordable, we must stay unified! Let us not be like Washington D.C. -Sherry Schoneman

★ There is no reason to purchase the golf course. In 1989, the course was made private and now they want the whole community to own (buy) it. Many people do not golf and should not have to pay for it - Ernest Binder

★ They [the board] want all new buildings, but the houses and condos will be 50 years old. Who would buy a 50 or 60 year old house?

★ There was a comment at the April 15 meeting that the maxi parks belong to all residents. Yes, true. The person also said she thought the parks should be returned to desert conditions. I believe that FOSHA had sent a survey a few years ago about options to turn the grass areas to desert.

The same problem then as today. Big ideas, bkut no cost-benefit analysis given at all, so owners had no idea if this would cost or save any money (i.e.) affect the HOA fees. I do not recall ever seeing results of that surey or any costing.

Tap to view April 15 meeting video

★ At the April 1, KFA meeting, a vote of the estimated 150 KFA members present approved sending this letter   and this attachment to the FOSA board. A copy of these letters was also placed on the table for each of the 7 board members at the April 8 board meeting. On the agenda for that board meeting, under "Correspondence" the agenda read: "None"

That, of course, was false.

At that board meeting, the FOSA president said, "If you have any questions, ask the board members and we will answer." Perhaps KFA members need to ask the FOSA board why they did not answer or even acknowledge the letter that KFA sent to them.

FOSA board email addresses:
Linda Fischer: beadeyes@msn.com
Keith Hilgendorf: kehilge@gmail.com
Francine Miller: fraidel@juno.com
Calvin Stone: cstone0817@rogers.com
Bob Talley: jrtalley65@gmail.com

★ Apr 1: We were told that putting FOSHA and FOSCA together (merger) would save us money. I feel that homeowners fees sould be reduced. I feel the board should be told at the next meeting so that they can plan their spending accordingly. From J.A. Twaiten

★ Apr 1 meeting: 21 more comments were submitted on 3x5 cards and the text of all those will added here asap.

Tap to view April 1 meeting video

★ Mar 18: Will the community have an opportunity to vote on all the updates and assessments?

★ Mar 18: How can we change rules so the board cannot pass things over the summer. Need to have a majority of home-owners approve.

★ Mar 18: Affordability to all of dues. 10% increase?? Keep our HOA fees at $800 as promised when FOSHA and FOS were combined.

★ Mar 18: There is a lack of maintenance on the facilities we have - sprinklers don't work, etc. Take care of what we have!

★ Mar 18: What about the flooding of the green basins? Any of the facilities installed there will be ruined when flooded.

★ Mar 18: We have to remember not HOA but assessment.

★ Mar 18: To maintain FOS in the standards that we have come to expect. How do you see us moving forward with these expectations and keeping dues reasonable? What do you see as affordable dues for our community with our present services?

★ Mar 18: Look around the outside neighborhoods. A super "fancy" gated community will not survive very long. Spend modestly on upgrades.

★ Mar 18: Make south entrance a high priority.

★ Mar 18: Have block captains to set up organization.

★ Mar 18: Really too much on computer for info as a lot of older people don't have. Every resident should be made aware of what is going on.

★ Mar 18: Great agenda. Please keep it positive!! And good point to avoid just complaining. One suggestion: Give an example of a good suggestion and not a complaint. A good suggestion should identity an area that needs improvement and offer a suggested remedy.

For example: Not everyone has a computer or smart phone. May I recommend having neighborhood teams visit neighbors who cannot attend the meetings or do not have Internet to give them updates on the agenda and ask for their comments and suggestions.