KFA August 26, 2019 meeting
There are many issues of concern to KFA members about the FOSA board's decisions and actions. ★ Three key issues of greatest concern were the main subject of this meeting:
#1. The FOSA board's selective discrimination and refusal to allow KFA to have equal access to meet inside FOS meeting rooms.
Many FOS home-owner groups are given free access to meet.
Also, David Farnsworth's Arizona Constitutionalist meetings (political meetings) are held every month in Fountain of the Sun meeting rooms. These meetings are promoted in the Sun Times Express weekly email "Blast."
So why are KFA home-owners selectively discriminated against by the FOSA board and blocked from having equal access?
#2. The FOSA board's 10% annual assessment increases are strongly opposed by a vast majority of FOS home-owners.
KFA members believe that the FOSA board should be required to
provide sound financial proof for any future assessment increases
and that home-owners should have the right to vote for or against
any such increases.
#3. The FOSA board's attempts to push ahead with plans to make
expensive and environment altering changes in the Fountain of the
Sun community are strongly opposed by the the vast majority of
Fountain of the Sun home-owners.
At the July 29, KFA group meeting, members spontaneously
chipped in thousands of dollars to begin legal action to
address these major concerns.
By consensus of those at the July 29 and August 26 KFA
meetings two KFA members were authorized to open a bank
account, retain legal counsel, and be the liaison with
that counsel.
Further details will be provided at the earliest possible
date as specific actions are available to be reported.
Everything will be done with full and complete transparency
and financial accounting. No secrets. No behind closed doors manipulation.
Please help with your financial support. You can direct
deposit at any Bank of America branch ... to KFAG (KFA Group)
bank account # 4570 3089 0545.
Or mail a check to KFAG c/o PO Box 7777 Mesa AZ 85216